What We Do.
Viterbi SEO Mgmt specializes in web development services for both small businesses and startups.
We help our Clients exploit sustainable internet marketing techniques centered around website optimization.
Our strategies are 100% data driven and the turnkey marketing solutions we offer are simple to adopt.
Our Services.
There's a lot we can teach you
if you're on small budget. -
Do you know how many people a month are searching for you?
Web Design
Website performance is essential to converting traffic.
How We Do It.
Most internet consultants and SEO specialists do not reveal exactly how their services or methods will translate into increased revenue. Why? Business consultants and online marketers do not want to be held accountable if their services yield poor, unmeasurable results.
In addition to disguising a clear ROI, most marketing companies are unwilling to establish any agreement with sales benchmarks. Managing a marketing budget well and growing revenue steadily annually alludes many small business owners.
There's no secret to how we derive business for our Clients. Everything offered is transparent and broken down step-by-step to build a sense of confidence when choosing us. We enjoy speaking with small business owners and have the most aggressive strategies to achieve the best results for start-ups.
What is SEO?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the "process of improving the volume...of traffic to a website...from search engines" (Wikipedia). The underlying principle of SEO is the earlier a web page appears in a search results set, the more website visitors it will receive from that particular keyword search.
The usefulness of a search engine depends on the relevance of the result set it gives back to its visitors. While there may be millions of web pages that include information regarding a particular search, some web pages are more relevant, popular or authoritative than others.
Search engines utilize algorithmic methods to rank the "best" results first. That's why customers make purchasing decisions on websites found on page 1 of search results; therefore, it's critical to incorporate SEO into any marketing budget.
Industries We Understand Well.
Real Estate
Data from Google's keyword planneris discussed with our Clients to
extrapolate potential online business.
Keyword choice is interpreting monthlysearch volume and relative competition
between derivative searches.
Management is the dynamic relationshipbetween problem solving,
decision making & solution execution.
Investing In Your Career.
Talent Management.
The growing career of rising talent, song writer & singer Adelina Jurevica under our management continues to thrive with each passing year.
Viterbi Mgmt is using our own resources to invest in local talent meeting certain criteria. We will find those who qualify for this unique opportunity.
If you're currently a model, fitness trainer or popular social media personality, we can provide you all the tools needed to create a steadily growing career doing the things you love most.
Results Oriented.
We apply proprietary data modeling and variable identification strategies to offer results oriented, turnkey marketing services in Southern California.
The campaign strategy we choose for each new Client is unique.
Variables such as marketing budget, website authority, keyword competition & industry location are identified to create accurate sales goal benchmarks for our Clients.
New website redesign launch and
SEO for The Boxing Club.
October 16th, 2013 -
Top results for Aptus Plant Tech commercial Dutch nutrients.
July 10th, 2013 -
Grass-fed Meat Co sponsors former UFC champion Ryan Bader.
April 7th, 2013 - → news archive
News Blog.
Message To Visitors.
I consult with business owners directly to create realistic sales goals with actionable SEO strategies inherently sensitive to resource limitations. We create ROI-specific marketing solutions for Clients to enable confident, profitable & sustainable business growth.
, Owner