
This social media giant is #2 in use only to Facebook, with over 300 million unique monthly visitors. Twitter is more popular with younger audiences and for this reason has a limited marketing scope in some industries. For example, if you're an attorney and have a law firm, Twitter will not be a good way to reach potential clients.

Social media in general is a branding tool for most businesses. In some industries, such as entertainment, marketing channels like Twitter can offer sustainable growth; however, for start-ups and small businesses Twitter might be limited to add legitimacy to new businesses or offer a platform to update your most frequent customers. There are many ways to abuse the following of social media accounts and for this reason their effectiveness and relationship to SEO is almost non-existent.

In order for your customers to find you better, social media accounts such as Twitter and many others can help control the web presence of your business. For example, if you have successfully helped 1000s of customers, but one happens to be unhappy with time on their hands, even one bad review on the web about your business has alarming impact. One of the easiest ways to displace these types of search results that don't accurately represent your business is by actively using Twitter and other social media platforms.